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Phyala Lachrymarum: Or A Few Friendly Teares, shed over the dead Body of Mr Nathaniel Weld Mr of Arts of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge

who in the short journey of his life, died betweene the five and sixe and twentieth yeare of his youth, 1633. Together with sundry choyce Meditations of Mortalitie [by William Lathum]

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L' Huomo e Ampulla fatta del Acqua, & del Aria disfatta.

VVhat thing is man that God should him respect?
Or what is life, that man so tenderly
Should hugge it so, or deerly it affect?
Loe here an embleme of mortalitie,
Whom nor greene yeares could warrant from to die,
Nor innocence (the good mans daily feast)
No priviledge, ne no immunitie
That flesh can challenge why to be releast,
Could ere redeeme, such is the law of all,
Onely like fruit some sooner and some later fall.
I saw this blossome blasted in the spring,
I saw this flower wither'd in the budde,
And to my hearts eternall sorrowing:
This lamp new lighted, beeing all too good
Longer to burne in it owne oylely blood,
I drowned saw, and quite extinguished:
Such is condition of all fleshlyhood.
Just like a buble that's ingendred
Of ayre and blistred water, which eftsoone
Breakes, and with each small puffe of winde's againe undone.