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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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21 Of one Paulus a great man that expected to be followed.

Proud Paulus late aduanc't to high degree,
Expects that I should now his follower be.
Glad I would be to follow ones direction,
By whom my honest suits might haue protection.
But I sue Don Fernandos heyre for land,
Against so great a Peere he dare not stand.
A Bishop sues me for my tithes, that's worse,
He dares not venter on a Bishops curse.
Sergeant Erifilus beares me old grudges,
Yea but, saith Raulus, Sergeants may be Iudges.
Pure Cinna o're my head would begge my Lease,
Who my Lord.—Man, O hold your peace.
Rich widdow Lesbia for a slander sues me.
Tush for a womans cause, he must refuse me.
Then farewell frost: Paulus, henceforth excuse me.
For you that are your selfe thrall'd to so many,
Shall neuer be my good Lord, if I haue any.