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The most famous and Tragicall Historie of Pelops and Hippodamia

Whereunto are adioyned sundrie pleasant deuises, Epigrams, Songes and Sonnettes. Written by Mathewe Groue

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The louer writeth in the praise of his Ladie

wherein he doth compare hir to a Laurel tree that is alwaies greene.

Like as the Bay yt bears on branches sweet
The Laurel leaf that lasteth alway greene
To change his hue for weather dry or weet,
Or else to lose his leafe is seldome seene.
So doth my deare for aye continue still,
As faythfull as the louing Turtle doue,
Rewarding me according to my will,
With faithfull hart for my most trustie loue,
And sith the time that we our loue began,
Most trustie she, yet hath endured aye,
And changeth not for any other man.
So constant she of fayth in heart doth stay.
Wherefore vnto that tree I hir compare,
That neuer loseth leafe, no more doth she
Lose tried trueth, how euer that she fare,
But alwayes one by loue in hart to me.
Thē bost I on this brāch of Bayes most pure,
Sith that so sweete I finde it at my hart,
And loue while that my life shall aye endure,
And till that death our bodyes two shall part.