University of Virginia Library

Elegia. 2. To the Gods.

When the eye of the world dooth washe,
his golden shining heaire,
In the large Occean seas: and that
They haue couerd the lyght:
Amurmuring repose, and a
Restfull and sleepy night,
Is spreded both ouer the earth,
The waters and the ayre.

But I chaunge nature then? For than,
Dooth my brightest Aurôr,
In a sweete dreame present her selfe,
O dreame, no dreame: but well,
The Ambrozie, the Nectar, and
The Manna, Eternell.
And to be breefe, a vision that
I lyke a God adore.
Wherefore farewell, day of nights, and
Welcome night waking daye:
And farewell waking, of my sleepe,
Welcome sleepe, lyuing ioye.
But what say I, my wealth is false,
And my euill verita-ble:
And I plaine of them both, for I
Haue in neither delight:
Except ye Gods will short these dayes,
And eternishe this night:
And that God that will doo it, shall
be a God charita-ble.