University of Virginia Library


[Imperious Ioue with sweet lipp'd Mercurie]

Imperious Ioue with sweet lipp'd Mercurie
Learned Minerua, Phœbus god of light
Vain-swelling Bacchus, Venus queene of bewtie
With light foote Phœbe lampe of silent night:
These haue (with diuerse dieties beside)
Borrow'd the shapes of many a mortall creature,
But (faire Parthenophe) grac'd with the pride
Of each of these, sweet Queene of louely feature.
As tho she were, with pearle of all their skill


By heauens cheefe nature garnished she knittes
In wrath Ioues forehead, with sweet noting quill
She matcheth Mercurie, Mineruaes wittes,
In goldie-lockes bright Tytan, Bacchus syttes
In her hands conduict pypes, sweet Venus face,
Dianaes legge the tyrian buskines grace.