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Tho some, (whom we know liers, and intend
To cheat us,) very much of late commend
His manners, praise his meekness, magnifie
His Christian Patience, and his piety;
And have induc'd some honest men, to hope
He is not so vow'd vassal to the Pope
As we have heard: yet, they who find the fraud,
And purposes, of those who him applaud;


(As also, whereunto they, are inclin'd,
Who publish this,) are not become so blind,
As not to see the bottom, and the end
Whereto their words and their endeavours tend.
And, these (not without cause) are much afraid
A Wolf, may in a Lamb-skin, be araid.
These fear, that from the Skarlet Strumpets Cup
He, and his Party, have such dregs drunk up,
That, they are now in those Distemperatures,
Which renders them incapable of cures;
And, so much, with those vanities, besotted
Whereon most Princes of the earth have doted,
That, these, when their hopes, are at height, will feel
(Like ill-wrought clay, upon a Potters wheel)
Themselves, to durt be crumbled in the making;
Or, crack, and break to pieces, in the baking:
And, that, whatere the Peoples dotages
May promise, there will be no hope in these
Or in their Prince; unless there may be given
A testimonial of their change from heaven:
Nor, will it be for our advantage, then,
Unless, we also, be reformed men.
How, GOD, of him, or will of us dispose
Is kept in secret, and he, only knows:
But, whether, he shall better be, or worse,
(Likely to be a blessing, or a curse)
He, neither is so good, nor yet so bad,
But, he, or such another, will be had
As we demean or selves. Such, as are we,
Such, ev'ry way, our Governours will be.
For, GOD, gives ev'ry People, as their dues,
Such men to be their Princes as they chuse;
And whether, good or bad, puts them together,
To be a curse, or blessing to each other;
Till them from their allegiance he shall free,
As their demerits, or their merits be
Relating to themselves, or unto him,
That is the Soveraign over both of them.