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And Hereticks which do Choice truth greate Shame
Did greatly Patience try as out they Came
Novatus vile did broach his nasty Cask
Who put poor humble souls to such a task,
As no repentance could procure away
Of Readmission if they once did stray.
Which notion found in Affrick too much Room
That ruin'd Origen. Oh! Cruell doom!
Sabellius then from his Pandora's box
His Cursed Heresy more vile unlocks.
And was an Antitrinitarian
Den'd the Trinity. Oh foolish man.
Then Paulus Samolatenus up rose
At Antioch, Christs Godhead did oppose
Whom Malchion did in the Councill there
Confound in open disputation cleare.
The Originall of Nunsiah maids began
I th' Hereticks stild Origenians
Who marriage decride, yet women know
Yet mean did use to keep their bellies low.
Another sort there were of these whose shame
They father do of Origen of Fame.


These did assert Christ and the Holy Ghost
Were Creatures, and the Soule from heavens Coast
Came down unto the Body, made of Clay
As to a jayle. Noe Resurrection day
They own unto the Dead, and hold this fast
That Divells shall be saved at the last.
How did these things Gods Patience exercise
Its Glory hence did mightily arise.