University of Virginia Library



O friend of mine, so dear to me,
Forget not yet those summer hours
On Truro moors beside the sea.
O'er rolling downs we roamed in glee
To where the tall white lighthouse towers,
O friend of mine, so dear to me.
On those high cliffs I sat with thee,
When clinging sea-fog split slow showers,
On Truro moors beside the sea.
Fair hopes we had for days to be,
We said high purpose should be ours,
O friend of mine, so dear to me.
In sun or cloud we paced that lea
Elate with all that friendship dowers,
On Truro moors beside the sea.
Ah! far-off week from care so free
(Time from its span no charm deflowers,
O friend of mine, so dear to me)
On Truro moors beside the sea.