University of Virginia Library



The “Tot” Discourses.

Of all the peoples in this town,
So far as I can see,
The best two fellows, up and down,
Is Uncle Joe an' me.
We found each other long ago—
How much it is I can't quite know—
I guess a thousan' years or so—
An' never didn't agree.
We know where all the bluejays nest,
Does Uncle Joe an' me,
An' when the robins sings the best,
An' where the squirrels be;
An' when the rabbits romp an' play,
An' where the biggest woodchucks stay,
An' where the owl sleeps every day,
An' where the thrushes be.
When we drive out he lets me drive,
An' then we both agree
There ain't two bigger sports alive,
Than Uncle Joe an' me.
He says he'd just as lives as not
Lend me the fastest horse he's got,
He wouldn't let no other “tot”
Take hold the reins, you see!
We know the biggest stories, too,
Does Uncle Joe an' me.


An' some of 'em is partly true,
An' some is goin' to be;
'Bout Injuns, full of scalps an' noise,
An' giants that had trees fur toys,
An' how things was when we was boys—
Some years ago, you see!
My mommer says we've got to die,
An' angels live an' be,
An' go an' dwell up in the sky,
From sin forever free;
But that's what I don't mean to do,
Till Uncle Joe gets started, too:
For Heaven would be most awful blue,
'Thout Uncle Joe an' me!