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[Rushing on with a bloody dagger.
The deed is done!

All hail the hero Zamor.

The deed is done! Soldiers, the proud Abdallah
Now welters in his gore; come and receive
Your freedom from my hands; I've slain the tyrant,
This good right hand has done the noble deed;
Ibrahim, I tell thee it was nobly done.

My Lord! Granada now should ring with joy.
Abdallah, he who ground us to the dust,
Whom every soldier, every citizen,
Hated with all their souls, Abdallah's dead!
And thou shalt take his place. Long live our King!

Long live the noble, valiant hero, Zamor!

My friends in arms, accept my warmest thanks
For your good will thus strongly manifested;
Believe me, all my life and all my strength
Has always, and will ever be devoted
To you alone; I've fought, I've bled, I've conquer'd,
For you, my soldiers, you, my dearest people:


Should you demand it, I resign my life
To make you happy, and I take this sceptre,
Not for my own advantage, (I had rather
Be but a soldier, than the greatest monarch,)
But for the people's: Here my faithful Ibrahim,
Be next to me! Alhouran, take this sword
And lead my brave ten thousand! valiant Omar,
To you I give in charge the city walls.
Come here, my friends! let's mount to pow'r together!
Let's show the world the greatness of our souls.

My Lord! this day we break the people's fetters
And ope the prison's dark and dreary dungeons.

Yes, lead them forth, let them enjoy their freedom.
Ibrahim, my boy! 'twill make us popular,
[Aside to Ibrahim.
And serve to bind their chains more close around them.

[Almanzor rushes on with a drawn sword, and exclaims,]
Die! worst of miscreants, die!

The spirit of Almanzor! help me, Mahomet!

Help thee, thou wretch! he'll help thee to thy grave.

[They fight, and Almanzor disarms Zamor.]
Spare me! Oh, spare me, but one scanty moment!

Spare thee! thou hard unfeeling tyrant! never!
Thou hadst no mercy, I'll have none for thee;
Die! traitor, die! and live with fiends forever.
[Stabs him.—Turning to the Officers.
Were you, with Zamor, traitors 'gainst my father!

We were, my lord, but canst thou not forgive us?


Yes, I forgive; from Zamor take example,
From that vile wretch, who dar'd attempt my life,
And stab me in the very hour of victory!
But heaven prevented him and staid his hand;
He wounded me, but still I live.

Say art thou not a spirit sent to punish
Our daring treason? oh, have mercy on us!

Thy conscience stings thee, traitor! yes, thou tremblest
At shadows; fear me then, who am a man.
I tell thee, Ibrahim, I am no spirit;
Almanzor lives, Almanzor stands before thee,
The same, who fought so bravely in the field,
The same, who led his soldiers on to victory.
Repent and be submissive, I have power
And will exert it 'gainst the stubborn traitor.
The army, which you fondly hop'd would aid you
In all your dark designs, is loyal still;
You have no stay, they all exclaim unceasing,
“Long live Almanzor! death to guilty Zamor.”
Where is your hope, even if I am a man?
Where can you cling? Oh, Ibrahim! it is madness
To stand one moment longer 'gainst my power.
Submit, and I'll forgive your daring crimes,
Oppose me, you shall feel my burning vengeance!

[Enter Amru accompanied by Guards, Soldiers, &c.]
Almanzor, hast thou then subdued the traitor,
And conquer'd by thy valiant arm alone?
Oh, I could pour my very soul before thee
In songs of highest joy and exultation.
Shall I proclaim thee monarch of Granada,
And bid these soldiers hail thee as their king?
Hail, king Almanzor.


Hail, our noble king.

This is the best reward I can enjoy.
Oh, gracious heaven! to thee I render up
My heart and soul, for thou hast sav'd my life
And throne—but oh, my father!

Oh, Almanzor,
Comfort thyself, thy father rests in peace,
And sweetly sleeps beyond the reach of harm.

Now let us offer to the God of heaven
Our warmest thanks, and humbly bow before him;
And let us know, ruin and death await
The ambitious wretch, who dares o'erturn a state.