University of Virginia Library


'Twas mirth and titter the day live-long,
'Twas fun at any cost,
'Twas joy mingled with music and song,
And jests of the merry host.
The brilliant sun from his western throne
Shot forward his arrows bright,
And fairy-like on the carpet down
Fell the brilliant arcs of light.


A merry group was gathered 'round
To welcome a sweet brunette;
And dishes made a clattering sound,
While tables for dinner were set.
“Come in, ladies,” the hostess said,
“And gentlemen, come in, too;
'Tis dinner time, and the feast is spread,
I prepared it all for you.”
To head of the table went Miss Key,
And I to the side did get;
Before me was the beautiful Belle,
At her side the sweet brunette.
Who has ordered cream? said I to “Lu,”
It was sister, answered she;
“No! No!” said Belle, as if it were true,
“I think it was Miss Key.”
However, to us came not the cream,
And there were many sighs;
Miss Belle was like a beautiful dream,
As the tears welled to her eyes.
Then to me she whispered in a moan,
“If we should perchance to meet


The messenger who for cream has gone,
We will stop him on the street.
So in my pocket she hid a spoon,
And we went our journey on;
But alas! came the fun too soon,
Ere we had our journey done.
For with the lovely little brunette
I had tripped across the dell;
She at my side is smiling yet,
Around me she casts a spell.
When suddenly from the dell below
There arose a startling scream;
And back the ladies started to go,
For some one was bringing cream.
Yell after yell, from beautiful Belle,
Quite threw me into a swoon;
She threw off from me the lovely spell,
And searched me for the spoon.
And with spoon in hand she made a rush
Toward him who bore the cream;
Brunette's face took a rosy flush,
So full of joy did she seem.
Her sister, though, so happy she was,
Her face was no longer a dream;


Reality on her countenance was,
As she made 'way with the cream.
A party, happy, were we and gay,
But a few things I'll never forget;
The most thrilling pleasures of that day,
And the face of the sweet brunette.
But in the height of our joy we feared
That danger would happen soon;
For all of the cream had disappeared,
And with it went the spoon.