University of Virginia Library


Executive Secretary of the
Steering Committee Donald W.
Jones agrees with Mr. Floyd
on this point. "Our reports will
probably strengthen areas that
need strengthening and will
hopefully point out
weakness," Mr. Jones said.

"The self-study program is
planned to examine and
evaluate the University's past
and present resources –
faculty, students, programs and
clientele," he continued.
"These elements will be
studied in close relation to
purpose and objectives of the

Mr. Jones does not
underemphasize the
importance of his role as
Executive Secretary. "This is a
policy-making committee," he
said, "and I will coordinate and
implement the policies of the

All schools of the
University are included in this
project, and Ralph W.
Ingersoll, Assoc. Dean of the
School of Medicine will have a
powerful voice on the Steering

"My function is not just to
represent the Medical School,
because the study is a
University function," he said.
"It's to assess where we are."

Obviously, the University is
in little danger of losing its
accreditation, and Mr. Ingersoll
views the study's most
important function as "seeing
that we're doing well."