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Full Circle

Broyhill carefully pointed
out how the party had come
full circle in the last four years.
He noted that the party had
seized the statehouse in an
unfortunate outburst of
progressivism under Linwood.
Holton. Now that these
"renegade dogs" had served
their usefulness, he gleefully
exhorted, the "real
Republicans" could carry on
the cause.

As if to illustrate his point,
a horde of rabid Young
Republicans, led by forty-ish
YR and sometime party
chairman Dick Obershain,
spontaneously hoisted former
Democratic Governor Mills E.
Godwin and former
Democratic, now Independent,
Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., to
the speaker's platform. The
three party leaders eagerly
clasped hands and waved to the
crowd, which by now was
obviously more interested in
the score of waiters serving a
third round of cocktails.

Broyhill drove home the
party's need to unify behind
the candidacy of Godwin for
governor in 1973. At this
point, a vexed and vociferous
Ray Garland was dragged from
the room, overturning a side
table of deviled eggs as be
went. One Puerto Rican
delegate, observing that the
former senatorial candidate
had failed to finish his
Manhattan, gulped it down.