University of Virginia Library

WOP Speaks

Dear Sir:

Since September, I have
seen both the shortcomings
and virtues of Mr. Jefferson's
University. One of the most
striking and repulsive of these
vices to me is the unrefined
bigotry and insecure identity
complex of 'Brother Ed.'

Yes, Brother Ed, I am a
"whitey." I am also a WOP. I
am very proud of both,
especially the latter. But I
never degenerate my pride by
using it in attempts to
overshadow others' cultures
and heritages.

It seems unfortunate that a
black with an attitude such as
'Brother Ed's attends the same
university as Delaney Stith,
Charlie Davis, Bubba Small and
so many other blacks that I
have grown to look up to.
They are truly my "Brothers,"
my term not limited to those
persons of lighter pigment as

Get "cultured," Ed, and
allow your "brotherly love" to
extend beyond the pigment of
your own skin.

James M. Bonavita
College I