University of Virginia Library

Plebeian Niveau

Dear Sir:

Re the article by Walter
Bardenwerper, "Crush the
Infamous Thing!", i.e. the
language requirement (CD,
Nov. 30, 1971). The specious
arguments he presents require
no direct rebuttal. I would like
to present two points which
speak for the study of foreign
languages, even if it is

1. English is not the only
language in the world and
English literature is not the
only literature worthy of our
attention. If the
"well-rounded" individual (a
sophomoric term carried over
by Mr. Bardenwerper) reads
and understands only English,
then that individual certainly
remains at a plebeian niveau.

Fortunately for us the use
of English as a language for the
sciences and for diplomacy is
increasing. This does not mean.