University of Virginia Library

Highly Stylistic

As a director he prefers the
classics and Shakespeare which,
he feels, allow him more
directorial freedom. Earlier this
year he directed his own
adaptation of, Aeschylus'
"Eumenides" for the Virginia
Players' workshop series to
great acclaim.

However, director Bell is
quite pleased to be doing "A
Flea in Her Ear" since, as he
says. "The department has
rarely done something like it; it
has action." He is aware of the
dangers of so highly stylistic a
dramatist as Feydeau; he says,
"In approaching Feydeau one
cannot go overboard on things.
Play it to the hilt, yes; but
overplaying is disaster!"

Of the forthcoming
production, Mr. Bell speaks
confidently of having struck
the essential performing
criteria for "A Flea in Her
Ear." "We have a marvelous
cast for Feydeau. It is going to
be extraordinarily funny," he