University of Virginia Library



Brief meeting of Unicorn Staff
Mon. Night 6:00, Informal Lounge,
3rd floor Newcomb Hall.

Meeting of Asian Studies Students
Association in Graduate Student
Lounge on Monday at 3:30 P.M.

Italian Circle—Gathering of all
interested speakers of Italian.
Monday 8:30 P.M. 1938 Lewis
Mountain Road.


Mandatory meeting—all volunteers
to coach basketball teams for IFC
program, Tues. Oct. 16, 6:30 p.m.,
IFC office.


PK German Ushers—All those who
have not returned their arm bands,
please return to Union Office or
David Shea.

If you are traveling to Europe this
summer, would you like to earn a
week aboard a barge cruising
through France? Phone after 9:00
p.m. 295-3538.

SONGWRITERS: Give me tapes of
your songs, I'll return you neat,
readable lead sheet copies.