University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

Regarding the recent series of
letters concerning the question of
abortion, it needs to be pointed out
that the CRTL has yet to come to
grips with the question as to
whether a fetus is actually a human
being, the same as you or I. I think
that there is a strong case for
arguing that since it cannot exist
independent of the mother, its
removal is no more than surgery, no
more murder than the removal of a
diseased limb. The CRTL
automatically assumes that a fetus
is a human being the same as a born

Regarding the need for
population control, I think that
there are few scientists who do not
question the need. On a more
personal level, I am repelled that
the entire nation may someday be
filled up with public housing and
billboards. I have yet to see a
statement by religious leaders that
considers what will happen to other
forms of life if human population is
allowed to continue to grow.
Perhaps that is not surprising given
the prevailing Christian view that
Man is to dominate the earth.

I am not will to lose one species
of wildlife or to see all our
wilderness areas turned into
metropolitan areas in order that the
sensibilities of the Roman Catholic
Church, one of the most oppressive
institutions the earth has ever seen,
not be offended. All their talk
about such mystical concepts as
"natural law" (whatever that is)
cannot change biology and ecology.
I am not sure how the problem will
be solved as the easiest route is no
longer left to us, which would have
been for the mothers of the CRTL
to have gotten abortions whose they
were carrying them.

Patrick Alther
Grad. Arts and Sciences