University of Virginia Library

Sharp Problem

Dear Sir:

Ever try to sharpen a pencil in
Wilson or Cabell Hall? If not, try it
sometime; believe me, it is a gas!
Pencil sharpeners are harder to
come by than student seats at a
U.Va.-South Carolina basketball

I had the pleasure of taking a
computer graded multiple choice
tests in Wilson Hall one evening
when the unexpected happened:
the points on both my number 2
pencils broke. Naturally, I was up
the creek! I immediately excused
myself from the classroom in hopes
of finding a ready pencil sharpener.
I might have vainly scoured the
grounds for hours had I not
chanced upon a late working
professor on 2nd floor Cabell who
possessed the elusive sharpener.

Really, an aggravation such as
this could be quashed with a timely
purchase of a few dozen pencil
sharpeners. It may seem like a small
problem, but if you have had this
experience, you will know the
inconvenience of which I am

H. St. George Tucker
Coll 3