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Coeducation Concerns
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Coeducation Concerns

The problem of coeducation is
of special interest to Miss Gibbs.
Her enthusiasm in getting women
into the University "mainstream" is
well known among last year's class.
She took the initiative to set up
weekly seminars with
randomly-selected women. Some of
the girls frankly admitted to her
they felt ill at case eating at the
Castle or going into the all-male
McCormick Road dorms. The
meetings provided interaction
between the women; in discussing
common problems, it helped build
up some courage to become more
involved in student life, in spite of
the male dominated atmosphere.

In connection with helping
students adjust to coeducation,
Miss Gibbs has acted as adviser to
the Women's Committee of Student
Council. Her informal manner
("Drop on over for a beer and we'll
discuss it!") delighted the
committee members. This year she
continues to support their efforts
by giving technical aid for their

What are her plans for getting to
know this year's first-yearmen? "I
really would like to go through the
dorms in slacks and tennis shoes,
just to talk but I think I'd scare
them. I'll have to find other ways
to meet them." How about over a


Miss Gibbs Adds A Woman's Touch To Student Affairs