University of Virginia Library

Weekend Conference

Wouldn't it be advisable to have
a weekend conference with
administrators, faculty members
and students discussing the problem
of expansion before a
demonstration was found
necessary? On September 18, 19,
and 20, 1970 the University
administration sponsored its annual
discussion with students, better
known as the Mountain Lake
Conference. At the 1970
conference Student Council
members made expansion a primary
topic of discussion. As is the policy
with this conference
(unfortunately) no decisions were

Well, then, wouldn't it be
proper for Student Council to seek
a revitalization of the University
Senate so that students and staff
members could have some voice in
the decision making process? Student
Council has been seeking just such a
revitalization for at least three
years, with a lot of oral support but
little else forthcoming from the
University administration and the
faculties of the various schools.
After all, such a revitalized Senate
might actually initiate a full scale
study of the expansion problem,
and we just can't have that
happening outside of University
committee procedures, can we?