University of Virginia Library

A Dichotomy

Dear Sir:

The other day we were all
enjoined to appear on the Lawn
before the eyes of our esteemed
University President to protest
racial discrimination on campus. We
have had cases of the flouting of
banned flags, of quasi-open Frat
parties, of blatant racial activity on
the part of the university's security
police, et al., ad nauseam. Now,
what we seem to have is a
dichotomy: the altruists on the one
hand, the bigot and racists on the
other. What has happened as a
result of the interaction of these
two blocs in all fairness can not be
heaped upon President Shannon's
shoulders—it is a weight that can
only be borne by the same group
referred to above as "we". This is a
collective body of "we" and must
no longer be rent by blocism.
Certainly, and here we may speak
of-President Shannon on particular,
the "we" is a nascent body-just
beginning to burgeon. And at the
rate this university is bloating, we
cannot afford to waste valuable
time on divisiveness-only when
union is achieved can we work for
achievable goals Unity as a Means,
not an end.

Randy Rydell
College 2