University of Virginia Library

Fond Memories

The coming of another school
year also brings fond memories of
my first year when we all gleefully
wandered to the hospital one
evening for that infamous stripper
of your dignity, known as the
"Official U.Va. Physical." I've
never been fond of mass physicals
myself, especially after seeing
"Alice's Restaurant" and suffering
through similar indignities for the
draft. At least when you go for a
draft physical you can direct your
anger at the men in uniform and
use a good part of your ingenuity in
an attempt to fail the physical and
thus escape the grasps of the
military. But, to whom do you
direct your frustrations after a
Virginia physical and for what
rational reason would you want to
fail.' About all you can do is feel
sorry for the doctor who gets to say
"Please spread your buttocks," and
hope for the best.

New years also bring one back
into contact with too many students.
For while it seemed as if
Charlottesville was blessed with enlightened
law enforcement officials
who were content to concentrate on
the pushers, especially those who
dealt with the high school student
and in some cases with those in
lower grades, as well as the pushers
who sold smack or drugs other than
grass or hash. The summer saw a
turnabout in that policy with
numerous busts for mere possession
occurring. In this case discretion is
the better part of valor, as well as
one's paranoia.

Another favorite aspect of each
new year was the enthusiasm which
the students and some members of
the faculty exhibited towards
confronting the substantial
problems facing the University and
discussing potential solutions. One
could attend a meeting with lots of
other students and find all sorts of
volunteers for work not usually
resulting in rapid self-gratification,
if ever. Or, you could attend a
faculty meeting and see the agenda
loaded with important resolutions
aimed at things like limiting the
number of students in the College
until there are sufficient resources
to handle them all in a superior
manner; to eliminate the obnoxious
and unnecessary language
requirement or to provide for new,
unique and desperately needed
academic reforms.

Unfortunately, most of this
activity soon peters out, as
students get caught up in studies,
dates, or general frustration. As a
result, a few students are left doing
yeoman's work and still managing
to accomplish numerous and
substantial changes.