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Perpetuating Traditions

The societies abounding on the
Grounds once laid their foundation
on the perpetuation of our
University's traditions. While they
still attract the student leaders of
the varied schools, except for the
Seven Society, their foundations
have been laid on some loftier
plateau. One little known society.
The Illuminated Society Of The
Flowered Curtain, has taken upon
its shoulders the task of
perpetuating the great heritage and
traditions of the University, a
responsibility once shouldered by
many organizations. It sent out a
flier to the incoming students, not
so much to gain converts as to
inform students of our many great
traditions. That is a sad state in
which to find this institution.
Students are being informed of the
basis of our greatness and not being
exposed to it.

The typical student, so often
called "Joe Wahoo", no longer
exists. He is not the man standing
by the road on Friday afternoon
with his thumb pointed to a
neighboring girl's school. He is not
the man sitting on the wall across
from the corner watching the world
pass by. That he may even be a she
with her hair in curlers. "Joe
Wahoo" is all three of these and
many more.