University of Virginia Library

Defense Fund

One of the few lasting benefits arising
from the strike at the University last May was
the formation of the Legal Defense Fund. The
fund is financed by loans and contributions
from students and faculty, and the money
received is given to students and local
residents to cover the costs of any legal cases
in which they are involved. Many of the 168
students arrested last May drew upon this
fund in order to post bail and to pay
attorney's fees; without it, many students
would have spent much more time behind
bars before they could have raised the money
to free themselves.

Despite the incredible lack of concern in
Charlottesville this Spring, there are still a
number of students and local residents who
need money for their legal cases. Students
arrested in D.C. this week have depleted most
of the cash reserves in the fund to post bail.
They still will need additional money to cover
attorney's fees. The student arrested Tuesday
for a drug violation also needs money. He has
received $50 from the fund but will need at
least $200 before he can hire a competent
attorney to defend him.

The Student Council reports that, while
the fund still has enough money on loan to
cover all anticipated bail requests, there is a
desperate need for donations which can be
given to cover students' defense fees.
Volunteers will be circulating the Grounds
requesting donations; students and faculty
may also contribute by dropping off any
donations at the Council office during the day
or at 33 West Lawn at night. We urge you to
do something, Contribute.