University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

It is the first week of school.
Standing in line for registration the
naive freshman is asked by his
counselor if he does not want to
purchase a copy of the "all new"
Corks and Curls. Well, ah..yeah. It
must be important and.., "sure." He
then signs a left-over 1969 contract
for the new book.

As the year progresses it
becomes obvious that the yearbook
is of primary interest to seniors.
When one asks a member of the
Corks and Curls staff about this he
is comforted with the reply, "How
else can we get enough money?"

So it is late afternoon of March
1. You receive a letter full of verbal
garbage about their concern for
your past happiness during the
year, etc. Oh! And guess what! You
owe us $10.00. Remember the
binding contract? So you go to the
office of the Corks and Curls and
explain the unfairness of the
situation to the Business Manager.
He replies, "Haven't you ever been
taken before?"

William W. Talbott, Jr.
College 1