University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

War Comes To Nothing;
Demonstrations Useless

Dear Sir:

The war goes on. Also the
editorials in the C.D. and
everywhere else go on proclaiming
the war unjust, unfair, absurd,
asinine, immoral, dishonest,
un-American, or what ever. The
rallies, demonstrations, strikes, and
"revolutions" go on also, each
striving for an end. But all of these
come to nothing in the same way
the war comes to nothing. The fact
is that the government has the
power to do what they are doing,
and so they do it. In spite of our
noise, we let them.

We say the war can lead to
nothing. But it is just as obvious
that the protests also lead to
nothing. While the fighting
continues there. The marching
continues here, and both bring no
results. We say withdraw our troops
NOW. I say withdraw ourselves
now. Our government policy in S.E.
Asia may seem irrational and
empty, but the citizens' policy at
home seems to be exactly the same.

Ken Kesey said at one of the
first peace demonstrations that the
only way to help end the war was
to say "Fuck it" and walk away. He
then said "Fuck it" and walked
away. May I suggest we do the

Ted Jordan
College 3

(Residents of Tchepone, Laos
might disagree that "the war comes
to nothing," unless of course the
reference is to devastated villages
and wasted lives. Ken Kesey walked
away to Oregon, where he is again
writing about God knows what.
Where will you fly, or rather,
whose cuckoo's nest may be next.


* * *
Dear Sir:

Regarding Mr. Leech's letter of
February 23, in which he pleads the
case for the Student Council's
'Spring Offensive': While no one
doubts that Student Council will be
any less offensive than usual this
spring — and there is universal
admiration for their interesting new
ways of drafting grubs for the dirty
work — I would like to take issue
with Mr. Leech's statement that
"Leadership is definitely there."

Leadership, Sir, has but one
measure — the following. In my
three years at the University there
has been, to my knowledge, not a
single case of anyone following the
lead of the Student Council. If the
Student Council wishes to provide
leadership, it had best do as it did
last Spring — discover which way
the students are going and then put
itself in front of them before they
change direction.

College 3