University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Circle K Pledges Cooperation

Dear Sir:

In his article concerning
concerts in the February 10, 1971,
issue of the C.D., Mr. Buford was
incorrect in stating that "Circle K
has remained unwilling to join
forces with P-K German and
Union" to improve the concert
situation. Circle K is and has been
willing to cooperate with any viable
means to improve the general
concert situation.

Furthermore, Circle K's
cooperation has not and is not
necessarily vital to the problems
P.K German and Union have had
with their promotions, or lack there
of Although Circle K's interest in
the field is not "peripheral," the
club has promoted only one
concert a year in the last four years
and has little interest in increasing
the frequency of its promotions.
Unlike. P-K German's and Union's
primary objective of bringing
entertainment to the University
community. Circle K's primary goal
in the promotion of concerts is to
earn funds so that they may be
redistributed in forms of donations
and community service projects.

Of interest is:

1) In its past two concerts Circle
K has met its objectives of earnings
and bringing decent entertainment
to the University. This fact is
proven by a sold out Guess Who

2) I have been trying for the
past three months to work out a
feasible means for Circle K. Union.
and P-K German and any other
interested organization to
coordinate their booking of groups.
And booking of entertainment is
where the major problem lies. This
can be attested by anyone working
on concerts at the University.

Granted, lack of communication
is a major problem at the
University. This problem may have
resulted from a history of
consistently poor cooperation
among most of the organizations
within the University community,
and the downhill trend of concerts
here may be construed to be
dramatic evidence of this lack of

Marcel Hamburger
President Circle K

Mr. Buford replies:

A note of super sensitivity is
delectable in Mr. Hamburger's
remarks, although some valid points
are made. It is true that the Circle
K concert last fall was the most
successful venture in bringing live
entertainment to Charlottesville.
For this reason, PK-German and
other interested groups have
become all the more anxious to
pool the available resources.

Naturally, such coordination
would involve more than
promotional assistance, and more
than booking arrangements, too
What I gather from my discussions
with Tom Sansonetti. Bill Parrish
and Kevin Mannix is that
communication (after all of the
addle inevitably attending the
initiation of true communication) is
inseparable from the basic factor of
available capital, with which one
must necessarily come to reason
with in getting groups here.

And on this stickler of sticklers
money I think the main point
of the matter comes to rest. While
the other parties would benefit
from Circle K's assuredly sound
judgment and advice, I think any
progress in this area will ultimately
be an arrangement which views to
maximize available funds. How
about it, Marcel?