University of Virginia Library

Cycles And Sex

"Even though this isn't a "Wild
Angels" type cheapie, how long do
you think cycle flicks will continue
to sell?"

"Why, as long as we can find sex
symbols to ride the cycles, dummy!
That's how we attract a female
audience. We lost out on Namath
this year, but went one better and
got Robert Redford. Hey, isn't he
great as Halsy?"

"Excellent. I like Michael J.
Pollard as Fauss, too, although he's
playing his same old character from
'Bonnie and Clyde' again. And, I
must admit that Lauren Hutton, as
the girl who tags along with them,
is nice to look at."

"Of course," he said. "That's
how we get a male audience. We're
hoping that this movie will do for
her what 'The Graduate' did for
Katharine Ross."

"But 'The Graduate' was an
exceptionally good film."

"And 'Fauss and Halsy' Isn't?"

"As I said, I've seen it all before.
I mean, there are only so many
ways to race a motorcycle. And
there's nothing particularly
outstanding about Charles
Eastman's script or Sidney J.
Furle's direction."

"In fairness, I thought they were
adequate," he said.

"So is last week's soup, but if
they served it to you in a
restaurant, I bet you'd complain."