University of Virginia Library

Spinning Head

I left with my head spinning.
For several days I thought about
this conversation, and it did indeed
seem to make some sense.

There was also one final aspect
to my investigation. One day, while
perusing through several volumes
relating to Mr. Jefferson's life in the
Rare Book Room of Alderman
Library I cam across a passage
regarding a certain party held by
Mr. Jefferson in which the author
stated that "all the members
present were tipsy." And there, on
the margin of the book, written in
dark ink, as if by a quill pen, was a
statement saying "I was not tipsy!"
At another place in the same book
were more writings in the margin,
one of which said, "Wrong-al
wrong." It seemed to refer to the
author's view of what Mr. Jefferson
had to say about religion.