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Surprising Percentages
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Surprising Percentages

The authors also included an
editorial entitled "Will the College
Student. Use Contraception
Effectively?" They cite lack of
information, availability, or
sufficient motivation as the leading
causes for not using contraception.
Also listed are some surprising
percentages from the University of
North Carolina (75% of university
women will have sexual relations
before graduation.)

Though short and somewhat
oversimplified, Ounce will serve its
purpose as to giving the college
student information that he or she
may need. Many students have
neither the time nor the inclination
to wade through one of the
thousands or wordy, absurdly
technical volumes that are available
but rarely used. Ounce condenses
and simplifies the information
desired by most university students,
and in this way becomes an
invaluable asset to anyone's library.