University of Virginia Library

Possible Suspension

The President of the University,
Dr. Wright, then called Miss previous hit Satterfield next hit
to his office and told her that,
in lieu of a forthcoming sufficient
explanation of her actions, the
possibility of a suspension was
existent in her case. Miss previous hit Satterfield next hit
answered by printing an editorial
retraction in the October 16 issue
of the newspaper.

In this retraction Miss previous hit Satterfield next hit
reiterated "the Samford Crimson
is published under the control
of Samford University as a communications
medium for campus
programs and activities and as a
laboratory for the journalism
department." She concluded that,
in line with policy, she had no right
to print the obliterated story,
though she might not personally
agree with all facets of such policy.

In a subsequent quote in The
Birmingham News, Miss previous hit Satterfield 
said, "I love the school, but to
practice fair journalism we need the
right to say both positive and negative."
There was no administrative
comment and the matter stood

The connection of this southern
school, some 700 miles from Charlottesville,
with the University is
important. The Jeffersonian attitude,
on which this school is
founded is the opposite pole from
that of censorship. However, in the
absence of free speech, one realizes
how dear this right is. Unfortunately
no one recognizes the worth
of an "inalienable right" more than
the victims of the censor's scissors.
Yet the victims are not those who
are punished, but rather those who
have no opportunity to read or

To the civilized man, a row of
blank lines should be of far more
concern than a row of filled ones.