University of Virginia Library

A Setting Straight


YIPPIES AGAIN!: No Revolution, Just a Little Music and Fun

Alarums! Panic! Flee for your
life! The Yippies are coming! Or so
some must have thought when they
read in yesterday's CD that the free
rock concert set for Saturday afternoon
was being sponsored in part
by those devilish painted panderers
of dope and revolution.

There must be some mistake
here. In fact, Charlottesville's Yippie
population is not quite the same
as their more militant counterparts
who hit Chicago in 1968. Here, the
concern is more with good music
and making people happy. And this
is where the concert comes into the

Officially registered with the
housing office as an event sponsored
solely by the First year Residents,
the festival has no formal
political ties to any group including
the Union of University Students.
Politics may be present in various
forms when the sounds start around
3 p.m. Saturday, but the coordinator
of the event, John Callahan,
stressed that his role in setting up
the show was apolitical.

But where do the Yippies enter
the scene? Very simple. It seems
that some members of the various
bands who have agreed to play free
of charge are in fact Yippies. Others
are simply Yippie sympathizers. In
any event, the fear that struck the
hearts of certain administration
officials upon opening their newspapers
yesterday was unwarranted.
The collective blood pressure of
alumni rose unnecessarily.

These local Yippies mean no
harm. Theirs is a mission of peace
and love. Plans to levitate Scott
Stadium have been dropped. Maybe
if the Wahoos yell loud enough
they can drown out the music.