University of Virginia Library

Mixed Results

When fame blessed the
Kennedys, it also blessed
Hyannisport, but there was only
one difference. The Kennedys felt
blessed; Hyannisport did not.

As a result of the Kennedys,
summer tourists have flocked to
Cape Cod as though Hyannisport
were a veritable Mecca. For
approximately the last ten
summers, the people who were
once accustomed to the quiet little
streets of Hyannisport have had to
put up with Secret Service men and
the inconvenience of having to put
stickers on their cars so that the
24-hour policemen will let them go
through their own streets.

Those who think that the
University is almost an absolutely
safe place to do drugs have not seen
anything until they have seen
Hyannisport. It is seemingly
impermeable to the outside world
in the summertime, and yet two
sons of the biggest names there,
Kennedy and Shriver, were arrested
on drug charges and others because
of them.