University of Virginia Library

Early Style

"Get Back," the second album to
be released, was actually the first to
be recorded. It's made up of some
random practice sessions, a couple
of leftover tracks from the Beatles
double pocket album, both sides of
the single "Get Back," and some
new material in their early style,
including "999." a song they claim
to have written around 1959. All of
it is done with no over dubbing. The
material seems in some ways a
complete retrogression there are
mistakes included, and at times the
group is not together at all.

This, coupled with the albums
weird production, has promoted one
local authority to dub "Get Back,"
"Let Them Eat Cake." There are
rumors that the album is going to
come pre-scratched, to make it
sound like an old record. All the
tapes around are recorded like that.
This is the logical extension of the
Mothers' "Rubin & The Jets"
album, which they recorded a 45
rpm tick on, to make it sound like
an old single.