University of Virginia Library

Goldman Again

Dear Sir:

How can Peter H. Goldman
believe that the Coalition's concern
for constructive reform at the
University suggests that "academic
probation is more of a virtue?" As
fellow candidates for intermediate
honors, we too attended the
Founder's Day Ceremonies.

But our agreement with the
Coalition's hopes of correcting the
current racial imbalance here and
raising the deplorable wage conditions
of many University employees
caused us to stand aside from the
procession. With such goals as
these, what better time to voice
active disapproval of the administration's
formerly placid acceptance
of these injustices than at
a Sesquicentennial celebration,
where Mr. Jefferson's ideology is
constantly reiterated, "for here we
are not afraid to follow the truth?"

We grant you that, in our
opinions, hissing Mr. Shannon was
childish and rude and that the
walkout was unfortunately poorly
timed. But certainly there was more
to this protest than your acknowledged
citation of it as an attempt
to interfere with the reception of
individual awards.

Stuart A. Woiman
Joseph P. Lemmer