University of Virginia Library


In view of the fact that the Student
Council often seems bent on making itself
look foolish in the eyes of its constituents, it
can ill afford to let the second half of its
Wheatley resolution remain unenforced any
longer. With its present tactic of doing
nothing, Council is merely reinforcing the
prevailing opinion that it couldn't really do
anything if it wanted to.

Undoubtedly there are many men better
fit to serve on the Board of Visitors than C.
Stuart Wheatley. We feel, however, that his
case has been dragged into the spotlight by
those who need an easy target at which to
hurl their charges of racism. If C. Stuart
Wheatley were the only racist connected with
the University, or if the Board of Visitors
were the only racist structure at the
University, their influence would not be
enough to change what would undoubtedly be
a model inter-racial community.

That is neither here nor there for the
Council, however. The Council asked Mr.
Wheatley to repudiate his past actions in
connection with Massive Resistance and the
principles behind it. That was February 25.
Since then, a confusing welter of verbal
statements have passed for communication.
Mr. Hickman's letter was deemed insufficient
after he wrote it. Another letter was sent, and
last week Council decided to give Mr.
Wheatley more time to consider his reply.
Except in the most contrived rationalizations
of his admirers, Mr. Wheatley has failed to do
so, and obviously has no intention of doing so
in the near future. Council, if it means to
avoid generating a credibility gap of its own,
has no choice but to go through with the
resolution and ask C. Stuart Wheatley to
resign from the Board of Visitors.