University of Virginia Library

Un-Bury Him

The Coalition protests are designed
not only to praise Mr.
Jefferson, but to un-bury him.
They are designed to call attention
to what needs attention called to it:
namely, the failure of the administration
to take the necessary steps
to institute a more permanent,
far-reaching, genuine Transitional
program; the failure of the administration
to forthrightly appoint and
adequately pay a black Dean of
Admissions; the failure of the
faculty to begin to institute a real
Black Studies program rather than
create illusions made of flimflam
and farce; the failure of the
Athletic Department of desegregate
football and basketball when the
whole A.C.C. is ahead of it in this
area; the failure of the Governor
and the legislature to recognize the
disgusting wage conditions of nonprofessional
University employees.