University of Virginia Library


The Student Council's resolution regarding
the singing and playing of "Dixie" has been
received somewhat less than favorably in
many quarters - we have never before
received so many letters from such a diverse
group of people on any particular issue.

One of those letters makes a point which
everyone should not overlook on the occasion
of today's demonstration. The "Dixie" issue,
regardless of how one feels about it, is a
relatively trivial matter when considered in
the context of the much more profound
problems which confront us. For many, a
resolution such as the Council's is the logical
extension of the ideals which elicit proposals
of methods to solve those problems; for many
others, however, such a resolution only
muddles or confounds an already complex
issue because the rationale behind it is not
immediately clear or defensible.

Whatever the case, "Dixie" is not an issue
of today's demonstration. The Student
Coalition organizing the meeting has made no
mention of the matter, although some of its
members doubtless sympathize with the
resolution. Our hope is that feelings over it
will not discourage anyone who had intended
to attend or support the demonstration from
doing so. Simply, there is no connection
between the resolution and today's meeting.