University of Virginia Library

Conrad Kudos

Dear Sirs:

Because Mr. Conrad has a talent
for pointing up the contradictions
of America (and the world), the
CD is to be applauded for their
decision to carry his cartoons. But
the May 6 CD carried a cartoon
which was outstanding. The cartoon
was one in which a student
(a "bearded-hippie-communist-pervert"
no doubt) was
standing in the ruins of a university
and telling a professor—"We
had to destroy the university to
save it." The parallel that Conrad
draws between extremist policies
of governments and student movements
is all too much a manifestation
of the contradictions of
our times as well as the pitfalls
of bigoted, subjective thought. Not
until the leaders, of the existing
student, anti-war and government
institutions, realize what will be the
conclusion of their present policies,
can hope exist for creating a better
world. "Let us not talk falsely
now, the hour is getting late," to
quote a great contemporary poet.

Robert Tufty
3rd Year College