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Modern chivalry

containing the adventures of Captain John Farrago, and Teague Oregan, his servant

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CHAP. V. Containing Reflections.
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5. CHAP. V.
Containing Reflections.

CAPTAIN Farrago was a good man,
but unacquainted with the world.
His ideas were drawn chiefly from what
may be called the old school; the Greek
and Roman notions of things. The combat
of the duel was to them unknown.
Though it seems strange, that a people who
were famous for almost all arts and sciences,
should have remained ignorant of its
use. I do not conceive how, as a people,
they could exist without it. But so it was,
they actually were without the knowledge
of it. For we do not find any trace of this
custom in the poets or historians of all

I do not know at what period, precisely,
the custom was introduced; or to whom
it was owing; but omitting this disquisition,
we content ourselves with observing,
that it has produced as great improvement
in manners, as the discovery of the load-stone,


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and mariner's compass, has at navigation.
Not that I mean to descant, at full
length, on the valuable effects of it; but
simply to observe, that it is a greater aid
to government than the alliance of church
and state itself. If Dr. Warburton had
had leisure, I could wish he had written a
treatise upon it. Some affect to ridicule
it, as carrying to a greater length small
differences, than the aggravation may justify.
As for instance, a man is angry enough
with you to give you a slap in the
face; but the custom says, he must shoot
you through the head. I think the smaller
the aggravation, the nicer the sense of honour.
The heaviest mind will resent a
gross affront; but to kill a man where
there is no affront at all, shews a great
sensibility. It is immaterial whether there
is or is not an injury, provided the world
thinks there is; for it is the opinion of
mankind we are to consult. It is a duty
which we owe them to provide for their
amusement. Non nasscimur nobis ipsis; we
are not born for ourselves, but for others.
Decorum pro patria mori; it is a becoming
thing to die for one's country; and shall
it not also be accounted honourable to
throw one's life away for the entertainment


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of a few particular neighbours and
acquaintances. It is true, the tears that
will be shed upon your grave, will not
make the grass grow; but you will have
the consolation, when you leave the world,
to have fallen in the bed of honour.

It is certainly a very noble institution,
that of the duel; and it has been carried
to very great perfection, in some respects.
Nevertheless, I would submit it to the public,
whether still further improvement
might not be made in the laws and regutions
of it. For instance, could it not be
reduced nearer to an equality of chances,
by proportioning the caliber, or bore
or the pistol; the length of the barrel,
also, to the size of the duellist who holds
it; or by fixing the ratio of distance in
proportion to the bulk of combatants.
To explain myself: When I am to fight
a man of a small size, I ought to have a
longer pistol than my adversary, because
my mark is smaller; or I ought to be permitted
to come nearer to him. For it is
altogether unfair that men of unequal bulk
should fire at equal distances, and with
equal calibers. The smaller size multiplied
by the larger space, or larger pistol,
would equal the larger size multiplied by


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the smaller space or smaller pistol. If this
amendment of the duel laws should be approved
by men of honour, let it be added
to the code.