University of Virginia Library


Chapter 163. An Act authorizing the rector and visitors of the
University to sell certain lands. Passed March 15, 1858.

"1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the rector and
visitors of the University be, and they are hereby authorized, to sell
the lands devised to the university by the late Martin Dawson, and
to hold the proceeds subject to the uses and limitations of the devise;
or if there be none, to employ the same as they shall deem best for
the University.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1857-58,
p. 116.

Chapter 164. An Act authorizing the board of visitors of the
University of Virginia to condemn the springs and lands necessary
to supply the University with water. Passed April 7, 1858.

"1. Be it eacted by the General Assembly, that to enable the
rector and visitors of the University of Virginia to procure a supply
of water for the University, they shall have authority to acquire
such springs, lands and rights of way as may be necessary, according
to the provisions of Chapter 56 of the Code of Virginia.

2. This act shall be in force from its passage". Acts 1857-8,
p. 116.