Pueblo del Arroyo, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico | ||
1954. | Canid remains from Pueblo Bonito and Pueblo del Arroyo. In The material culture of Pueblo Bonito, by Neil M. Judd. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 124, pp. 385-389. |
1905. | The journey of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca . . . 1528-1536. |
1933. | Pueblo milling stones of the lagstaff region and their relation to others in the Southwest. Mus. Northern Arizona Bull. 3. |
1934. | The material culture of Pueblo II in the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Mus. Northern Arizona Bull. 7. |
1937. | Tseh So, a small-house ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Preliminary report. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 308, Anthrop. Ser., vol. 2, No. 2. |
1946. | Archaeology of Alkali Ridge, southeastern Utah. Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Archaeol. and Ethnol., Harvard Univ., vol. 21. |
1954. | The geology of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, in relation to the life and remains of the prehistoric peoples of Pueblo Bonito. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 122, No. 7, pp. 1-65. |
1929. | The Pueblo potter: A study of creative imagination in primitive art. Columbia Univ. Contr. Anthrop., No. 8. |
1936. | The pottery of Santo Domingo pueblo: A detailed study of its decoration. Mem. Lab. Anthrop., vol. 1. Santa Fe. |
1953. | Potsherds. Mus. Northern Arizona Bull. 25. |
1937. | Handbook of northern Arizona pottery wares. Mus. Northern Arizona Bull. 11. |
1883. | Zuñi fetiches. 2d Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pp. 3-45. |
1935. | Dating Pueblo Bonito and other ruins of the Southwest. Nat. Geogr. Soc. Contr. Techn. Pap., Pueblo Bonito Ser., No. 1. |
1938. | Łeyit Kin, a small-house ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 333, Monogr. Ser., vol. 1, No. 5. |
1900. | Notes on Tusayan Flute and Snake ceremonies. 19th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pp. 957-1011. |
1904. | Two summers' work in Pueblo ruins. 22d Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pt. 1, pp. 3-195. |
1909. | Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Spruce-tree House. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 41. |
1916. | The relationship of Sun Temple, a new type of ruin lately excavated in the Mesa Verde National Park, to prehistoric "towers." Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 212-221. |
1918. | Prehistoric towers and castles of the Southwest. Art and Archaeol., vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 3-15. |
1925. | The Hovenweep National Monument. Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst. for 1923, pp. 465-480. |
1945. | The Chaco Branch: Excavations at White Mound and in the Red Mesa Valley. Medallion Pap. No. 33. Gila Pueblo, Globe, Ariz. |
1934. | A method for designation of cultures and their variations. Medallion Pap. No. 15. Gila Pueblo, Globe, Ariz. |
1845. | Commerce of the prairies or the journal of a Santa Fé trader. 2d ed., 2 vols. New York. |
1925. | Pueblo pottery making, a study at the village of San Ildefonso. Pap. Southwestern Exped., No. 2, Dept. Archaeol., Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. |
1936. | Field manual of prehistoric Southwestern pottery types. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 291. |
1937. | Summary of pottery from Tseh So. In Tseh So, a small-house ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, by Donald D. Brand, et. al. Preliminary report. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 308, Anthrop. Ser., vol. 2, No. 2. |
1939. | Additions to descriptions of Chaco pottery types. In Kluckhohn and Reiter, 1939. |
1922. | The Chaco Canyon in 1921. Art and Archaeol., vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 115-131. |
1937. | Stone and other artifacts. In Tseh So, a small-house ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, by Donald D. Brand, et. al. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 308, Anthrop. Ser., vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 90-99. |
1938. | The Gallina phase. Amer. Antiquity, vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 131-136. |
1920. | Hawikuh bonework. Mus. Amer. Indian, Heye Found., Indian Notes and Monogr., vol. 3, No. 3. |
1923. | Circular kivas near Hawikuh, New Mexico. Contr. Mus. Amer. Indian, Heye Found., vol. 7, No. 1. |
1878. | Report on the ancient ruins of southwestern Colorado, examined during the summers of 1875 and 1876. 10th Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr. . . . for the year 1876, pp. 383-430. |
Report | on prehistoric ruins of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Ordered by General Land Office Letter "P," Dec. 18, 1900. (MS. dated Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 5, 1901, in General Land Office, Washington, D. C.) |
1914. | The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 192. |
1878. | Report on the ancient ruins examined in 1875 and 1877. 10th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. Terr. . . . for the year 1876, pp. 411-450. |
1922. | Archaeological research in the northeastern San Juan Basin of Colorado during the summer of 1921. State Hist. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Colorado and Univ. Denver. |
1923-1924. | Further archeological research in the northeastern San Juan Basin of Colorado, during the summer of 1922. Colorado Mag., vol. 1, Nos. 1-7. |
1924. | Two Chaco Canyon pit houses. Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst. for 1922, pp. 399-413. |
1927a. | Archeological investigations in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Explorations and Field-work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1926. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 78, No. 7, pp. 158-168. |
1927b. | The architectural evolution of Pueblo Bonito. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 561-563. |
1954. | The material culture of Pueblo Bonito. With Appendix: Canid remains from Pueblo Bonito and Pueblo del Arroyo, by Glover M. Allen. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 124. |
1924. | An introduction to the study of Southwestern archaeology, with a preliminary account of the excavations at Pecos. Pap. Southwestern Exped., No. 1, Dept. Archaeol., Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. |
1926. | A sandal from northeastern Arizona. Amer. Anthrop., n. s., vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 618-632. |
1927. | Southwestern archeological conference. Science, vol. 66, No. 1716, pp. 489-491. |
1932. | The artifacts of Pecos. Pap. Southwestern Exped., No. 6, Dept. Archaeol., Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass. |
1919. | Archeological explorations in northeastern Arizona. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 65. |
1939. | Preliminary report on the 1937 excavations, Bc 50-51, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Bull. 345, Anthrop. Ser., vol. 3, No. 2. |
1954. | Excavation at Site 16 of three Pueblo II mesa-top ruins. Archeological excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1950. Archeol. Res. Ser. No. 2, pp. 23-86. National Park Service, Washington, D. C. |
1954. | The excavation of Sun Point Pueblo. In Archeological excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1950. Archeol. Res. Ser. No. 2, pp. 87-111, National Park Service, Washington, D. C. |
1929. | The 1928 Archaeological Expedition of the State Historical Society of Colorado. Colorado Mag., vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-35. |
1930. | The 1929 Archaeological Expedition of the State Historical Society of Colorado in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution. Colorado Mag., vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-40. |
1936. | Lowry Ruin in southwestern Colorado. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthrop. Ser., vol. 23, No. 1. |
1938. | Archaeological work in the Ackmen-Lowry area, southwestern Colorado, 1937. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthrop. Ser., vol. 23, No. 2. |
1940. | Anasazi painted pottery in Field Museum of Natural History. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthrop. Mem. No. 5. |
1948. | A clay sandal last from Utah. Plateau, vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 24-28. |
1935. | Ceramic clues to the prehistory of north central New Mexico. Lab. Anthrop., Techn. Ser. No. 8, pp. 1-43. Santa Fe. |
1891. | A study of Pueblo architecture: Tusayan and Cibola. 8th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pp. 3-228. |
1908. | Excavation of the Cannonball Ruins in southwestern Colorado. Amer. Anthrop., n. s., vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 596-610. |
1917. | The archaeology of McElmo Canyon, Colorado. El Palacio, vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 41-70. Santa Fe. |
1915. | The excavation of a ruin near Aztec, San Juan County, New Mexico. Amer. Anthrop., n.s., vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 666-684. |
1917. | Discoveries at Aztec Ruin. Amer. Mus. Journ., vol. 17, No. 3. |
1919. | The Aztec Ruin. Anthrop. Pap. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 26, pt. 1. |
1921. | The house of the Great Kiva at the Aztec Ruin. Anthrop. Pap. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 26, pt. 2. |
1924. | Burials in the Aztec Ruin. Anthrop. Pap. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 26, pt. 3. |
1928. | Notes on excavations in the Aztec Ruin. Anthrop. Pap. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 26, pt. 5. |
1939. | Archaeological studies in the La Plata district, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 519. |
1941. | Anasazi basketry: Basket Maker II through Pueblo III. A study based on specimens from the San Juan River country. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 533. |
1950. | Excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, 1947-1948. Medallion Pap. No. 39. Gila Pueblo, Globe, Ariz. |
1939. | Pueblo Indian religion. Univ. Chicago Publ. Anthrop., 2 vols. |
1909. | The exploration of a burial-room in Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico. Putnam Anniv. Vol., pp. 196-252. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. |
1920. | Pueblo Bonito. Anthrop. Pap. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 27. |
1903. | The prehistoric ruins of the San Juan watershed in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. Amer. Anthrop., n.s., vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 224-288. |
1914. | The circular kivas of small ruins in the San Juan watershed. Amer. Anthrop., n.s., vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 33-58. |
1918. | A further study of prehistoric small-house ruins in the San Juan watershed. Mem. Amer. Anthrop. Assoc. vol. 5, No. 1. |
Excavations | in Mancos Canyon, Colorado. With appendices by Dr. T. D. Stewart, Dr. E. T. Hall, and Volney H. Jones. (MS. in National Park Service, Region 3, Santa Fe, 1943.) |
1944. | Archaeological work in Mancos Canyon, Colo. Amer. Antiquity, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 48-58. |
1912. | Color standards and color nomenclature. Washington, D. C. |
1923-1929. | See Jeancon, J. A., and Roberts, Frank H. H. Jr. |
1929. | Shabik'eshchee Village, a Late Basket Maker site in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 92. |
1930. | Early Pueblo ruins in the Piedra district, southwestern Colorado. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 96. |
1932. | The Village of the Great Kivas on the Zuñi Reservation, New Mexico. Bur. Amer. Ethnol. Bull. 111. |
1950. | Pre-Columbian towers in the Southwest. Amer. Antiquity, vol. 15, No. 4, pt. 1, pp. 288-297. |
1939. | Technology of La Plata pottery. In Archaeological studies in the La Plata district, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, by Earl H. Morris. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 519, pp. 249-287. |
1850. | Journal of a military reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo country in 1849. Rep. Secretary of War, 31st Congr., 1st Sess., Senate Ex. Doc. No. 64, pp. 56-139. |
1951. | A summary of tree-ring dates from some Southwestern archaeological sites. Lab. Tree-ring Res. Bull. No. 5, Univ. Arizona. |
1899. | The "sandal last" of the Cliff-dwellers. Amer. Archaeol., vol. 3, pt. 1. Columbus, Ohio. |
1936. | Hopi Journal, edited by Elsie Clews Parsons. Columbia Univ. Contr. Anthrop., vol. 23, pts. 1 and 2. |
1904. | The Zuñi Indians: Their mythology, esoteric fraternities, and ceremonies. 23d Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pp. 3-634. |
1944. | Old Oraibi: A study of the Hopi Indians of Third Mesa. Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Archaeol. and Ethnol., Harvard Univ., vol. 22, No. 1. |
1896. | The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542. 14th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer. Ethnol., pt. 1, pp. 329-613. |
1939. | Ground and pecked stone artifacts. In Preliminary report on the 1937 excavations, Bc 50-51, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, pp. 58-79, edited by Clyde Kluckhohn and Paul Reiter. |
1954. | Prehistoric stone implements of northeastern Arizona. Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Archaeol. and Ethnol., Harvard Univ., vol. 34. Rep. Awatovi Exped., No. 6. |
1955. | A reappraisal of the Fremont culture: With a summary of the archaeology of the Northern Periphery. Proc. No. 1, Denver Mus. Nat. Hist. |
Pueblo del Arroyo, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico | ||