University of Virginia Library


Cash donation to the current expenses
of the University, by W. H. and Alexander
Fitz-Hugh of Vicksburg, Miss.,

Five 1000-dollar 5 per cent. bonds of
the U. S. Steel Co., without conditions,
for the general uses of the University, by
Charles R. Crane of New York, through
Pres. Alderman, $5,000.00.

The several amounts as given above
foot up a total of $1,021,655.00.

Dawson's Row at the University takes
its name from Martin Dawson; and the
dormitories occupy part of the land that
he donated. The Temperance Hall,
erected by contributions secured in 18556,
is the building in which the University
postoffice is located. The Austin
bequest has not yet become available to
the uses of the University.