University of Virginia Library


September 19 GOD'S BURDEN

O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me.”—Isa. xxxviii. 14.

Lord, Thou are pledged, I humbly pray
And plead with awful reverence,
In many a solemn word and way
Which fetter Thine Omnipotence.
And Thou hast freely curbed Thy Might,
To help our little path of pains;
With precious limits though of Light,
And blessèd bonds and glorious chains.
I thank Thee that I cannot lose
The comfort of Thy captive Will,
Which makes Thee mine, and Thou dost choose
To be our willing Servant still.
Thou hast not ever grudged one claim
To man, though he a rebel stood;
And his most selfish act and aim,
Yet magnify Thy Brotherhood.
Great Prisoner of Love, I kiss
The Hands by Thine own Mercy bound;
Which draws a new Diviner bliss
From making earth Thy prison ground.
I worship boundless Love, that bare
The burden of my sore distress;
And cast myself, with all my care,
On Thy dear great Responsiveness.