University of Virginia Library


Scarce on the gunwale had he laid
His hand, and scarce the words were said,


Ere, slipping from her loosened dress,
Her simple kilt and cloak of flax,—
Just as a chestnut you may press
With careful foot ere ripened well,
Shoots from its green and prickly shell,
With tender rind so tawny-clean
And dainty-pure and smooth as wax,—
She shot into the blue serene;
A moment gleamed, then out of sight,
Swift as a falling flash of light!
All round he seeks with anxious mien
The Naiad—nowhere to be seen.
A fearful time he seems to spy—
His heart beats quick—when lo, hard by,
A mermaid! risen on the rocks,
Whose diamond glances archly play
Through shaken clouds of glittering locks,
And glancing showers of diamond-spray:
“You are not Apakúra! O, no, no, not you!”
She cries—and dives beneath the blue.
He follows, watching where she glides
Beneath a drooping pall profound
Of boughs, that all the water hides.
Into the gloom he pushes: sound
Or sight of her is none around.
But hark!—'twas somewhere near the bank
That sudden plash! it takes his ear
As startlingly as sometimes, near
A stream where June's hot grass is rank,
You hear the coiled-up water-snake


Your unsuspecting footsteps wake,
Flop down upon the wave below,
And wabbling through the water go.
Again to the mid lake she hies;
In swift pursuit again he flies:
And see! she waits with face, how meek!
Till he can touch and almost clasp,
The shining shoulders, laughing cheek;
Then, diving swift, eludes his grasp:
Just as, with quick astonished eye,
A wild-duck waits, until well-nigh
The ruddy-curled retriever's snap
Is gently closing like a trap
On its poor neck and broken wing,
Before with sudden jerk she dips,
Beneath the ripple vanishing.
From Ranolf so the Maiden slips.