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The Christian Scholar

By the Author of "The Cathedral" [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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When the calm wind upon the dark-blue sea
“Softly reclines, kissing it tremblingly,
“It lures my timid mind to quit the shore,
“And all the varied landscapes please no more.
“But when the deeps white-foaming heave profound,
“Crest the curved billow, and the waves resound;
“Then from the sea I fly to haunts I love;
“The land is welcome and the shady grove;
“Where gently comes the ruffle on the trees,
“And the tall pine is singing to the breeze.
“How hard the Fisher's life who night and day
“Toils on the seas for an uncertain prey,
“His home with winds and waves upon the deep,
“While'neath the broad-leaved plane I sweetly sleep,
“Or listen to the rill that murmurs near,
“Which soothes without alarm the vacant ear.”