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whether libertie by losse of life, or life in prison and thraldome be to be preferred.

whether libertie by losse of life, or life in prison and thraldome be to be preferred.

Lyke as the birde within the cage enclosed,
The dore vnsparred, her foe the hawke without,
Twixt death and prison piteously oppressed,
Whether for to chose standeth in doubt,
Lo, so do I, which seke to bryng about,
Which should be best by determinacion,
By losse of life libertie, or lyfe by pryson.
O mischiefe by mischiefe to be redressed.
Where payne is best there lieth but little pleasure.
By short death better to be deliuered,
Than bide in paynefull life, thraldome, and dolore.
Small is the pleasure where much payne we suffer.
Rather therfore to chuse me thinketh wisdome,
By losse of life libertye, then life by prison.
And yet me thinkes although I liue and suffer,
I do but wait a time and fortunes chance:
Oft many thinges do happen in one houre.
That which oppressed me now may me aduance.
In time is trust which by deathes greuance
Is wholy lost. Then were it not reason,
By death to chuse libertie, and not life by pryson.
But death were deliuerance where life lengthes paine.
Of these two euyls let se now chuse the best:
This birde to deliuer that here dothe playne,
What saye ye louers? whiche shall be the best?
In cage thraldome, or by the hawke opprest.
And whiche to chuse make plaine conclusion,
By losse of life libertie, or life by pryson.