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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Friday August 8th. 1806.
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Page 238

Friday August 8th. 1806.

Beleiving from the recent appearances about the fire which
we past last evening that Capt. Clark could be at no great distance
below I set out early; the wind heard [hard] from the
N. E. but by the force of the oars and currant we traveled at
a good rate untill 10 A. M. by which time we reached the
center of the beaver bends about 8 ms. by water and 3 by land
above the entrance of White earth river.[39] not finding Capt.
Clark I knew not what calculation to make with rispect to his
halting and therefore determined to proceed as tho' he was not
before me and leave the rest to the chapter of accedents. at
this place I found a good beach for the purpose of drawing out
the perogue and one of the canoes which wanted corking and
reparing. the men with me have not had leasure since we left
the West side of the Rocky mountains to dress any skins or
make themselves cloaths and most of them are therefore
extreemly bare. I therefore determined to halt at this place
untill the perog[u]e and canoe could be repared and the men
dress skins and make themselves the necessary cloathing. we
encamped on the N. E. side of the river; we found the Musquetoes
extreemly troublesome but in this rispect there is but
little choise of camps from hence down to St. Louis, from this
place to the little Missouri there is an abundance of game I
shall therefore when I leave this place travel at my leasure and
avail myself of every opportunity to collect and dry meat untill
I provide a sufficient quantity for our voyage not knowing what
provision Capt. C. has made in this rispect. I formed a camp
unloaded the canoes and perogue, had the latter and one of the
canoes drawn out to dry, fleased what meat we had collected
and hung it on poles in the sun, after which the men busied
themselves in dressing skins and making themselves cloaths.
Drewyer killed 2. Elk and a deer this evening, the air is
cold yet the Musquetoes continue to be troublesome.[40]


See Clark's remark about the great number of beaver at this point, vol. ii, p. 331,


Here ends the journal as contained in Codex L, and the following words appear
in Clark's writing, "a Suplt. to come in here." This refers to the fragment (written
by Lewis) which forms Codex Lb; it continues the journal for four days (through
Aug. 12), and was the last journalizing by Lewis.—Ed.