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8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CCLIX. Thomasin Woodshawe. Petition to the Governor of Virginia Between October, 1622, and January, 1622/23

8 occurrences of The records of the Virginia Company of London
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CCLIX. Thomasin Woodshawe. Petition to the Governor of
Between October, 1622, and January, 1622/23

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, Part ii, Pages 58, 58a
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 365
To the Honorable Sr Francis Wyatt knight Governor & Captaine
generall of Virginia

The humble petition of Thomasin Woodshawe

An ill cause by denying is said to be worse, whereas as conffession makℯ
p̱te of Amends. To pleade my intentℯ were good (though god knowes
they were so in the begining of this horrd Comitted Crime of myne, I will
not, so vnfortunate hath ben the events, wch rage ourmasting reason so
bloudy p̳duced that I Canot but say yor Just sentence hath most deseruedly
doomed me but [since] Magistrate are said to be Godℯ vpon earth, truly
executing ye Judgmentℯ of ye Lord whoe p̳ffeseth himsefe not to delight
in ye death of a sinner, but rather that hee should [58] turne fro his wicked-
nℯ & liue, Grant right worthie sr I beseech you yt though theise my
tran[s]gressions haue forced you draw ye sword of Justice against my life,
yett ye true Contricion of my sorrowfull soule may moue yor mercy to
pruent my suddaine death. If ye Lord should Empty ye vyolls of his wrath
so often as his indignation is moued, ye whole worlde in short time should
be dispeopled, but I will haue mercy & not sacrifice saeth ye lord, so yt
man Comes in nothing neerer to yt duty then in pitty. Wherfore I most
humblie Entreat you (most noble sr) yt my prayers of my penitency
myght so preuaile, as yt ye axe might be forborne at prsent to bee put to
ye roote of ye figg tree, yt it would please you to give me some longer tyme,
yt by my better care I may gaine hereafter yt seasonable oppertunity of
bringing forth better fruitℯ to amendement of life, wch god enabling me
shall wth such strict obseruancy be performed, yt you shall haue no occation
to repent this yor extended fauor

Thus desireing ye Lord to worke in yor Eare Compassion of my Case I
leaue to his p̳uidence and protextion


Her fact by ye Jury was found manslaughter, for wch haueing receaued
sentence of death shee was first repruiued, and long after (vpon good
report of Cariage & behauior) shee had her pardon